Long Distance Relationships

We have been long distance for about 75% of our relationship. We dated for one year in high school, and then Duke left for college on the other side of the country. The next four years consisted of many flights, hotel stays, and see you laters. There were lots of misunderstood text arguments, FaceTime dates, letters, and tears. Long distance was scary, and hard. It was some of the darkest times for both of us, but also some of the best. We learned so much about ourselves and each other.

We thought it would be fun if we shared a piece of our hearts with you.

This was by no means easy. The first two years were really rough for me, and there were times that I was not sure we were going to make it. After year two I began to get the hang of things, and I began to see LDR has an opportunity instead of a weight dragging down my emotions. I began to work hard and save my money so that I could travel to see Duke. Honestly, traveling was the best part for me. It pushed me out of my comfort zone, and I learned just how much I loved to travel. I would not have had these opportunities if it wasn't for being long distance. I worked to better myself in all areas of my life. I became independent and strong. LDR was temporary for us, we knew the expiration date, and although exciting, I wanted to get the most out of the time I had to myself. If you know me at all, you know I love me time. I wish I would have had this mindset during the first two years of LDR, because it would have greatly improved my quality of life.

So tips...every relationship is different, but communicate communicate communicate and then communicate about communicating. This is so important, even after the LDR is over. We texted just about everyday, but texts can easily be misunderstood and cause arguments. We always tried to not jump to conclusions when texting. The best was FaceTiming. For us this worked, because we were able to talk like we would in person, and feel connected. Also share every feeling, even the dark bad ones. There were so many phone calls spent either yelling or sobbing, but we never gave up. Holding those emotions in only builds a wall between you.

I think that if we had not had this experience, we would definitely not be where we are today. We might not even be together. It strengthened us, and it strengthened me. I learned who I was. So, if you are facing a LDR, and you can see a future with that person, do not run the opposite direction. Running is easy and it is so tempting to give into the fear, but, the best things in life are hard.

I asked Duke about his thoughts on long distance dating, this was his response...

"Pretty shitty. Would not recommend."

There ya have it, folks. Obviously we have mixed emotions about it.

Photos taken by the lovely Missy Rich @missyrichphoto


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