Recap of the last 4 years // USAFA Version

Feeling sentimental, as we are so close to graduation day. Four years is a long time. A lot of trials. A lot of fun. Here's to the memories! Officer life here we come.

Year one....

Freshman year Parent's Weekend. The first time seeing each other in three months with zero communication except for letters during BCT.

Year two....

 Sophomore year Parent's Weekend!

Year three...

Junior year Parent's Weekend!

And the start of year 4; Duke's Ring Dance!

USAFA was a crazy adventure. We are so grateful for the growth that it brought, but we are so excited that it has come to an end. It was so crazy to look back at these pictures from each year and see how we grew up as the years passed. These pictures are just a small sliver of the travels we got to do during Duke's time at the academy. Weekend trips to Colorado were a normal occurrence, and some of our best memories were made during this crazy stage of life.

xo, Lauran


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